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Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Research Interests

Metals and semiconductors, Metallurgical thermodynamics, Phase diagram determination, Thermoelectric materials.

Journal paper

  1. Y.H. Huang Lu, I.L. Jen, C.Y. Chiang, W.Z. Hsieh, G.C. Yin, Y.F. Song, H.J. Wu*. Modulating Solid-Solution Solubility to Enhance Thermoelectric Performance and Maintain Structural Stability in Phase-Transition Silver Chalcogenides (2025).

  2. W. T. Yen and H. J. Wu*. Asymmetric Homogeneity and Transport Properties of Isotropic Copper-Based Ternary Chalcogenides. ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 7, 5285 - 5291 (2024).

  3. B. C. Chen, K. K. Wang, and H. J. Wu*. Cation modulation in AgSbTe2 Realizes Carrier Optimization, Defect Engineering, and a 7% Single-leg Thermoelectric Efficiency. Small 20, 2401723 (2024).

  4. B. C. Chen, S. C. Wu, K. K. Wang, H. J. Wu*. Defect dynamics manipulates transport behaviors in highly stable rocksalt-type thermoelectric crystal. Scripta Materialia, 243, 115988 (2024).

  5. P. C. Wei*, C. R. Hsing, C. C. Yang, Y. H. Tung, H. J. Wu, W. T. Yen, Y. C. Lai, J. J. Lee, C. W. Wang, H. C. Wu, H. D. Yang, V. Singaravelu, X. Miao, A. Giugni, J. K. Hu, J. H. Fu, V. Tung, J. He, C. M. Wei*, J. H. He*. Liquid-like thermal conductivity in solid materials: Dynamic behavior of silver ions in argyrodites. Nano Energy, 122, 109324 (2024).

  6. Y. F. Tsai, M. J. Yang, J. R. Deng, C. N. Liao, H. J. Wu*. Reducing Domain Density Enhances Conversion Efficiency in GeTe. Small, 20, 2312206 (2024).

  7. H. W. Chen, B. C. Chen, H. J. Wu*. Dilute Sb Doping Yields Softer p-Type Bi2Te3 Thermoelectrics. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2300793 (2024).

  8. Y. F. Tsai, P. C. Wei*, N. T. Tsou, Y. C. Chao, H. W. Yen, J. Y. Lin, K. K. Wang, H. J. Wu* (2024, Feb). Grand herringbone architecture securing the high thermoelectric performance of GeTe. Materials Today Physics, 41, 101329 (2024).

  9. Y. F. Tsai, Y. C. Chao, C. R. Hsing, K. K. Wang, Y. H. Tung, C. C. Yang, S. W. Chen, G. J. Snyder, H.  W. Yen, C. M. Wei*, P. C. Wei*, H. J. Wu*. From stoichiometric to off-stoichiometric GeTe: Phase diagram reconstruction and thermoelectric performance reassessment. Acta Materialia, 265, 119644 (2024).

  10. I-L. Jen, C. S. Lin, K. K. Wang, and H. J. Wu*. Tuning Interstitials in Fully Dense β-Zn4Sb3 Doubles Single-Leg Thermoelectric Efficiency. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 15, 44, (2023). 

  11. Ping-Yuan Deng, Kuang-Kuo Wang, Hsin-Ya Sung, Wen-Wei Wu, H. J. Wu* (2023, Jun). Liquid-like copper chalcogenide modulates electron donors in high- performance n-type PbTe thermoelectrics. Cell Reports Physical Science, 4, 101413 (2023).

  12. W. T. Yen, K. K. Wang, and H. J. Wu*, Hybridization of n-type Bi2Te3 Crystals with Liquid-like Copper Chalcogenide Elicits Record-High Thermoelectric Performance, Materials Today Physics, 34, 101065 (2023). IF = 11.7, N/M = 8.2 %.

  13. P. Y. Deng, K. K. Wang, H. Y. Sung, W. W. Wu, and H. J. Wu*, Liquid-like copper chalcogenide modulates electrondonors in high-performance n-type PbTe thermoelectrics, Cell Reports Physical Science, 4, 101413 (2023).

  14. Y. F. Tsai, C. L. Stern, B. C. Chen, G. J. Snyder* and H. J. Wu*, A Cu-based Cu8-xGe(S, Te)6 argyrodite: its widespan cubic-phase region and ultralow lattice thermal conductivity, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11, 10532 (2023).

  15. K. Manibalan*, M. Y. Ho, Y. C. Du, H. W. Chen and H. J. Wu*, Enhanced Room-Temperature Thermoelectric Performance of 2D-SnSe Alloys via Electric-Current-Assisted Sintering, Materials, 16(2), 509 (2023).

  16. I. L. Jen, K. K. Wang and H. J. Wu*, Aliovalent Dilute Doping and Nano-Moiré Fringe Advance the Structural Stability and Thermoelectric Performance in β-Zn4Sb3, Advanced Science, 2201802 (2022).

  17. P. Y. Deng and H. J. Wu*, Leverage between Spinodal Fluctuations and Athermal Transformation in Dilute PbTe Alloying GeTe Thermoelectrics, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5, 7, 9031 (2022).

  18. B. C. Chen, K.-K. Wang and H. J. Wu*, Localized Crystal Imperfections Coupled with Phase Diagram Engineering Yield High-Performance Rhombohedral GeTe Thermoelectrics, Materials Today Physics, 22, 100617(2022). IF = 11.7, N/M = 8.2 %.

  19. Y. F. Tsai, M. Y. Ho P. C. Wei and H. J. Wu*, Hierarchical Twinning and Light Impurity Doping Enable High-Performance GeTe Thermoelectrics, Acta Materialia, 222,117406 (2022). IF = 8.203, N/M = 1.2%

  20. W. T. Yen, H. C. Huang, K. K. Wang and H. J. Wu*, Nano-precipitation and carrier optimization synergistically yielding high-performance n-type Bi2Te3 thermoelectrics, Materials Today Physics, 19, 100416 (2021). IF = 11.7,N/M = 8.2 %.

  21. P. Y. Deng, W. T. Yen, Y. F. Tsai, I. L. Jen, B.-C. Chen and H. J. Wu*, Eliciting High-Performance Thermoelectric Materials via Phase Diagram Engineering: A Review, Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 2100054(2021).

  22. Y. F. Tsai, P. C. Wei*, L. Chang, K. K. Wang, C. C. Yang, Y. C. Lai, C. R. Hsing, C. M. Wei, J. He, G. J. Snyder and H. J.Wu*, Compositional fluctuations locked by athermal transformation yielding high thermoelectric performance in GeTe.” Advanced Materials, 33, 2005612 (2021). IF: 30.849 / RF: 1.3%/ Back Cover of Adv. Mater. IF = 30.849,N/M = 1.3%.

  23. P. Y. Deng, K. K. Wang, J. Y. Du, and H. J. Wu*, From Dislocation to Nano-Precipitation: Evolution to Low Thermal Conductivity and High Thermoelectric Performance in n-Type PbTe. Advanced Functional Materials,2005479 (2020).

  24. M. J. Jhong, I L. Jen, K. K. Wang, W. T. Yen, Jacob C. Huang, Jason S. C. Jang, K. C. Hsieh, and H. J. Wu*, Nano-structure to Laves phase: Reduced Thermal Conductivity from Medium-Entropy AlNbV to High-Entropy AlNbVCrTiAlloys, Materialia, 14, 100889 (2020).

  25. C. H. Lin, W. T. Yen, Y. F. Tsai and H. J. Wu*, Unravelling p-n Conduction Transition in High ThermoelectricFigure of Merit Gallium-Doped Bi2Te3 via Phase Diagram Engineering, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, 1311 (2020).

  26. P. C. Wei†, C. N. Liao†, H. J. Wu†, D. Yang†, J. He†, W. T. Yen, X. Tang, J. W. Yeh, S. Wang, Z. Lin*, J. H. He*.”Thermodynamic routes to ultra-low thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric performance.” Advanced Materials,1906457 (2020). (†equal contribution).

  27. Y. C. Liao, T. H. Li, P. H. Tsai, J.S.C. Jang, K. C. Hsieh, C. Y. Chen, J. C. Huang, H. J. Wu, Y. C. Lo, C. W. Huang, I. Y.Tsao, Designing novel lightweight, high-strength and high-plasticity Tix(AlCrNb)100-x medium-entropy alloys,Intermetallics, 117, 106673 (2020).

  28. H. J. Wu*, P. C. Wei*, H. Y. Su, K. K. Wang, W. T. Yen, I. L. Jen and J. He, Designing Environmentally Friendly High-zTZn4Sb3 via Thermodynamic Routes, ACS Appl. Energy Materials, 2 (10), 7564 (2019).

  29. P. C. Wei, C. X. Cai, C. R. Hsing, C. M. Wei, S. H. Yu, H. J. Wu, C. L. Chen, D. H. Wei, D. L. Nguyen,

  30. M. M. C. Chou and Y. Y. Chen, Enhancing thermoelectric performance by Fermi level tuning and thermalconductivity degradation in (Ge1-xBix)Te crystals, Scientific Reports, 9, 8616 (2019).

  31. P. C. Wei, S. Bhattacharya, Y. F. Liu, F. Liu, J. He, Y. H. Tung, C. C. Yang, C. R. Hsing, D. L. Nguyen, C. M. Wei, M. Y.Chou, Y. C. Lai, T. L. Hung, S. Y. Guan, C. S. Chang, H. J. Wu, C. H. Lee, W. H. Li, R.P. Hermann, Y. Y. Chen* and A. M. Rao*, Thermoelectric Figure-of-Merit of Fully Dense Single- Crystalline SnSe, ACS Omega, 435, 442 (2019).

  32. L. Zhao, Z. Yang, Q. Cao, L. Yang, X. Zhang, J. Jia, Y. Sang, H. J. Wu, W. Zhou and H. Liu, An earth- abundant and multifunctional Ni nanosheets array as electrocatalysts and heat absorption layer integrated thermoelectric devicefor overall water splitting, Nano Energy, 56, 563 (2019).

  33. C. C. Yu, H. J. Wu*, M. T. Agne, I. T. Witting, P. Y. Deng, G. J. Snyder, and J. P. Chu*, Titanium-based thin film metallic glass as diffusion barrier layer for PbTe-based thermoelectric modules, APL Materials, 7, 013001 (2019).

  34. *H. J. Wu and W. T. Yen, High thermoelectric performance in Cu-doped Bi2Te3 with carrier-type transition, ActaMaterialia, 157, 33 (2018).

  35. *H. J. Wu, Albert T. Wu, P. C. Wei and S. W. Chen, Interfacial reactions in thermoelectric modules, MaterialsResearch Letters, 6, 244 (2018).

  36. *H. J. Wu, P. C. Wei, H. Y. Cheng, J. R. Deng, Y. Y. Chen, Ultralow thermal conductivity in n-type Ge- doped AgBiSe2thermoelectric materials, Acta Materialia, 141, 217 (2017).

  37. C. C. Yu, *H. J. Wu, P. Y. Deng, M. T. Agne, G. J. Snyder and Jinn P. Chu*, Thin-film metallic glass: an effectivediffusion barrier for Se-doped AgSbTe2 thermoelectric modules, Scientific Reports, 7, 45177 (2017).

  38. *H. J. Wu, B. Y. Chen, H. Y. Cheng, The p-n conduction type transition in Ge-incorporated Bi2Te3 thermoelectricmaterials, Acta Materialia, 122, 120 (2017).

  39. *H. J. Wu and Z. J. Dong, Phase diagram of ternary Cu-Ga-Te system and thermoelectric properties of ChalcopyriteCuGaTe2 materials, Acta Materialia, 118, 331 (2016).

  40. *H. J. Wu, P. C. Lee, F. Y. Chiu, S. W. Chen and Y. Y. Chen, Self-assisted nucleation and growth of [010]-orientedSb2Se3 whisker: the crystal structure and thermoelectric property, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3, 10488 (2015).

  41. H. J. Wu, T. W. Lan, S. W. Chen, Y. Y. Chen, T. Day and G. J. Snyder, State of the art Ag50-xSbxSe50-yTey alloys: their highzT values, microstructures and related phase equilibria, Acta Materialia, 93, 38 (2015).

  42. S. Bajaj, G. Pomrehn, J. Doak, W. Gierlotka, H. J. Wu, S. W. Chen, C. Wolverton, W. A Goddard III and G. J.Snyder, Ab initio study of intrinsic point defects in PbTe: an insight into phase stability, Acta Materialia, 92, 72 (2015).

  43. *S. W. Chen, C. Y. Wu, H. J. Wu and W. T. Chiu, Interfacial reactions in Sn/Bi2Te3, Sn/Bi2Se3 and Sn/Bi2(Te1xSex)3 couples, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 611, 313 (2014).

  44. H. J. Wu, W. J. Foo, W. Gierlotka, *S.-W. Chen and G. J. Snyder, Microstructure, liquidus projection andthermodynamic modeling of thermoelectric Ag-Pb-Te system, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 141, 758 (2013).

  45. *S. W. Chen, H. J. Wu, C. Y. Wu, C. F. Chang and C. Y. Chen, Reaction evolution and alternating layer formation inSn/(Bi0.25Sb0.75)2Te3 and Sn/Sb2Te3 couples, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 553, 106 (2013).

  46. C.Y. Chen, H. J. Wu and *S. W. Chen, Liquidus projection and phase equilibria isothermal section of Se-Sn-Tesystem, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 547, 100 (2013).

  47. C. H. Liu, H. J. Wu and *S. W. Chen, Liquidus projection of the ternary Bi-Sb-Te thermoelectric material system,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 44, 5424 (2013).

  48. *S.-W. Chen, H. J. Wu, C. W. Hsu, C. I Chang and C. F. Chang, Interfacial reactions in In/Cu2Se couples, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 44, 402 (2013).

  49. H. J. Wu, *S. W. Chen, T. Ikeda and *G. J. Snyder, Reduced thermal conductivity in Pb-alloyed AgSbTe2 thermoelectricmaterials, Acta Materialia, 60, 6144 (2012).

  50. H. J. Wu, *S. W. Chen, T. Ikeda and *G. J. Snyder, Formation of ordered nano-wire microstructures in thermoelectricPb-Ag-Sb-Te, Acta Materialia, 60, 1129 (2012).

  51. H. J. Wu, W. J. Foo, *S. W. Chen and G. J. Snyder, Ternary eutectic growth of nanostructured thermoelectric Ag-Pb-Te materials, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 023107 (2012).

  52. T. Ikeda, S. Iwanaga, H. J. Wu, N. J. Marolf, S. W Chen, *G. J. Snyder, A combinatorial approach to microstructure and thermopower of bulk thermoelectric materials: the pseudo-ternary PbTe-Ag2Te- Sb2Te3 system, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 24335 (2012).

  53. *S. W. Chen, C. F. Yang, H. J. Wu, R. B. Chang and C. M. Hsu, Interfacial reactions in the Sn-In-Zn/Ag and Sn-In-Zn/Nicouples, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 132, 481 (2012).

  54. C. N. Chiu, C. M. Hsu, *S. W. Chen and H. J. Wu, Phase equilibria of Sn-Bi-Te ternary system, Journal ofElectronic Materials, 41(1), 22 (2012).

  55. H. J. Wu and *S. W. Chen, Phase equilibrium of Ag-Sb-Te thermoelectric materials, Acta Materialia, 59, 6463 (2011).Received the “Acta Student Award.”

  56. H. J. Wu and *S. W. Chen, Microstructures and liquidus projection of the ternary Ag-Sb-Te system, Journal ofAlloys and Compounds, 509, 656 (2011).

  57. H. J. Wu, L. L. Huang, *S. W. Chen, E.J. W. Liou and Y. T. Lee, Surface characterization of anodized dental archwiresand miniscrews, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 40, 563 (2009).

  58. *S. W. Chen, Y. R. Lin, H. J. Wu, R. B. Chang and H. M. Lin, Evolution of the Sn/Ni-8.0at%Vinterfacial reaction paths.” Journal of Materials Research, 26(22), 2838 (2011).

  59. *S. W. Chen, Y. R. Lin, H. J. Wu, R. B. Chang, Interfacial Reactions in Sn-Pb/Ni-8.0 at.%V Couples, Journal ofElectronic Materials, 40(7), 1527 (2011).

  60. C. P. Lin, *C. M. Chen, Y. W. Yen, H. J. Wu, S. W. Chen, Interfacial reactions between high-Pb solders and Ag, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 509, 3509 (2011).

  61. *S. W. Chen, H. J. Wu, Y. C. Huang and W. Gierlotka, Phase equilibria and solidification of ternary Sn- Bi-Ag alloys,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 497, 110 (2010).

  62. *S. W. Chen, Y. K. Chen, H. J. Wu, Y. C. Huang and C. M. Chen, Co solubility in Sn and Interfacial reactions in the Sn-Co/Ni couples, Journal of Electronic Materials, 39(11), 2418 (2010).

  63. *S. W. Chen, A. R. Zi, P. Y. Chen, H. J. Wu, Y. K. Chen and C. H. Wang, Interfacial reactions in the Sn- Sb/Ag and Sn-Sb/Cu couples, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 111 (1), 17 (2009).

  64. *S. W. Chen, C. C. Chen, W. Gierlotka, A. R. Zi, P. Y. Chen and H. J. Wu, Phase equilibria of the Sn- Sb binary system, Journal of Electronic Materials, 37(7), 992 (2008).

Conference paper

  1. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, 2023” Crystal Structure, Phase Stability, and Thermoelectric Properties of Medium-Temperature IV-VI Thermoelectric Materials “TMS 2023 152nd. Annual Meeting (on-site).

  2. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, 2022” Eliciting High-Performance Thermoelectric Materials via PhaseDiagram Engineering “ ICFM 2022 Virtual.

  3. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, 2022” Nano-Moiré Fringe and Aliovalent Dilute Doping Advance the Structural Stability and Thermoelectric Performance in β-Zn4Sb3 “TMS 2022 Virtual.

  4. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, 2021” Enhanced thermoelectric figure-of-merit in nanostructured n- type Bi2Te3 via phase diagram engineering “TMS 2021 Virtual.

  5. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, 2020 “Approaches to Manipulate p-n Conduction Transition and High Thermoelectric Performance in Ga-incorporated Bi2Te3.” 149th TMS annual meeting, San Diego, California, USA.

  6. (Invited Keynote presentation) H. J. Wu, 2019 “Thermodynamic approaches to high performance thermoelectricmaterials.” the 4th International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University, Japan.

  7. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, 2019 “High thermoelectric figure-of-merit in In-doped Zn4Sb3.” 148th TMS annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

  8. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, 2018, “Solubility manipulation leading to high thermoelectric properties in In-doped β-Zn4Sb3 and Cu-doped Bi2Te3” The 3rd Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics (ACT3), Taipei, Taiwan.

  9. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, 2018 “High thermoelectric figure-of-merit in n-type Ga-incorporated PbTe.” 147th TMS annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

  10. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, 2017 “Engineering Thermoelectric Materials: their high zT values, microstructures and related phase equilibria” IUMRS-ICP 2017, Taipei, Taiwan.

  11. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, 2017 “Phase Diagram of Ternary Cu-Ga-Te System andThermoelectric Properties of Chalcopyrite CuGaTe2 Materials” 146th TMS annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

  12. (Invited keynote presentation) H. J. Wu. 2016 “Engineering thermoelectric materials: their high zT, microstructures and related phase equilibria.” APenergy conference 2016, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

  13. Y.-T. Cho, T.-J. Dung, H. J. Wu, 2016,” Liquidus projection and thermoelectric property of (Cu, Ag)–Ga– Te Thermoelectric Materials.” 145th TMS annual meeting, Nashville, TN, USA.

  14. H.-Y. Cheng, H. J. Wu, 2016,” Phase Equilibria of Thermoelectric Ag-Bi-Se System” 145th TMS annual meeting, Nashville, TN, USA

  15. H.-Y. Cheng, H. J. Wu, 2016,” Phase Equilibria of Thermoelectric Ag-Bi-Se System” 145th TMS annual meeting, Nashville, TN, USA.

  16. (Invited oral presentation) 吳欣潔. 2015” Phase equilibria and microstructures of thermoelectric materials”104 年中國材料科學會年會,高雄,台灣。

  17. (Invited oral presentation) H. J. Wu. 2015” Engineering Se-doped and Pb-doped AgSbTe2: their high zTvalues, microstructures and related phase equilibria.” SPARCA 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.

  18. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu and S.-W. Chen. 2015 “Formation of [010]-Oriented Sb2Se3 Crystals via Vapor Liquid Solid(VLS) Process: The Crystal Structure and Thermal Power.” 144th TMS annual meeting, Orlando, FL, USA.

  19. (Invited oral presentation) H. J. Wu, T.-W. Lan, S.-W. Chen, Y.-Y. Chen and G. Jeffery Snyder, 2014 ”Engineering Se-doped and Pb-doped AgSbTe2: their high zT values, microstructures and related phaseequilibria.” IUMRS ICEM 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.

  20. (Invited Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, T.-W. Lan, S.-W. Chen and Y.-Y. Chen, 2014 “State of the art Ag50-xSbxSe50-yTey alloys: their high zT values, microstructures and related phase equilibria.” 143th TMS annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

  21. (Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, W.-j. Foo, W. Gierlotka S.-W. Chen, G. Jeffery Snyder, 2013, “Ternary Eutectic Growth of Nanostructured Thermoelectric Ag-Pb-Te Materials.” 142th TMS Annual Meeting, March, San Antonio, TX, USA.

  22. (Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, S.-W. Chen, G. Jeffery Snyder, 2012, “Phase stability and thermoelectric properties in the non-stoichiometric AgSbTe2 thermoelectric material.” 2012 MS&T annual meeting, Pittsburgh, USA.

  23. (Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, S.-W. Chen, 2012, “Reduced thermal conductivity in Pb-alloyed AgSbTe2thermoelectric materials.” 141th TMS Annual Meeting, March, Orlando, FL, USA.

  24. (Oral presentation) H. J. Wu, S.-W. Chen, 2011, “Microstructures and liquidus projection of the ternary Ag- Sb-Te system.”140th TMS Annual Meeting, February, San Diego, California, USA.

  25. S.-W. Chen, Y.-R. Lin, H. J. Wu, H.-m Lin, 2011, “Interfacial reactions in the Sn-(Pb)/Ni-7wt%V.” 140th TMS Annual Meeting, February, San Diego, California, USA.

  26. H. J. Wu and S.-W. Chen, 2010, "Phase equilibrium in the ternary Ag-Sb-Te system." 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress,10677.

  27. H. J. Wu and S.-W. Chen, 2009, "Solidification behavior in the thermoelectric ternary Ag-Sb-Te system.", 2009 台灣化學工程學會第 56 屆年會暨國科會化工學門成果發表會論文集(光碟),I032. (Taiwan)

  28. H. J. Wu and S.-W. Chen, 2009, "Solidification behavior in the thermoelectric ternary Ag-Sb-Te system.", 2009 中國材料科學學會年會論文集(光碟),01-0946. (Taiwan).(Oral presentation).

  29. H. J. Wu, L.-L. Huang, S.-W. Chen, J.-W. Lee and Y.-T. Lee, 2009, “Anodization of Dental Archwires and Miniscrews”, 138th TMS Annual Meeting, February, San Francisco, California, USA.

  30. S.-W. Chen, Y.-K. Chen, H. J. Wu and Y.-C. Huang, 2008, "Solidification of Sn-Bi-Ag and Sn-Bi-Ni alloys", (Invited speech), 2008 MS&T Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA.


  1. S.W. Chen and H. J. Wu. “Thermoelectric material with low electrical resistivity and manufacture thereof.” U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2012), 2012119164.

  2. 吳欣潔、游家齊、朱瑾,”熱電結構”,中華民國發明專利 (2017),I581470。

  3. 吳欣潔、顏婉婷、魏百駿、蔡挹芬,”熱電合金及其製作方法與熱電合金複合物”,中華民國發明專利(2019),107136813。

  4. H. J. Wu, W.-T. Yen, P.-C. Wei and Y.-F. Tsai. Thermoelectric alloy, method for producing the same and

  5. thermoelectric alloy composite. US10975456B2 (2021).

  6. 顏婉婷、吳欣潔、魏百駿,” 以碲化鉍為主的 n 型熱電複合材料及其製法”,中華民國發明專利(2022),I 765829。

Other publications (book chapter)

  1. 吳欣潔、鄧評元、顏婉婷、蔡挹芬 “熱電材料相圖研究與應用” 工業材料,386,2019.02,頁 23-32。

  2. S.-W. Chen, W. Gierlotka, H. J. Wu and S.-K. Lin,“Lead-free solders: Materials reliability for electrons” in “Phasediagrams and their applications in Pb-free soldering”, pp. 13-44, edited by K. N. Subramanian, Wiley, (2012).

  3. 陳信文、黃育智、邱政男、楊青峰、吳欣潔,“材料相圖與其在電子軟銲上之應用.” 化工技術第 18卷第 3期,2010。

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